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All prices are subject to change according to the vehicle's condition
Interior Basic Valet - from £30
All litter removed including ashtrays
Interior vacuumed throughout including boot
Dashboard cleaned and dressed
Fragrance finish applied
Interior Deep Clean - from £60
All litter removed
Vehicle vacuumed throughout
Dashboard cleaned and dressed
Interior glass cleaned
Headlining, carpets and mats cleaned
Seats and boot cleaned
Fragrance finish applied
We can tailor this services to your specific needs!
Please call for a quote on 07799635077 or email us on or message us on Facebook: ShineExpressPlymouth
Anchor 1
Exterior Basic Valet - from £30
Hand washed with Autosmart wax shampoo for glossy finish
Hand dried
Door shuts cleaned
Wheels and tyres washed and dressed
Anchor 2
Anchor 6
Mini Valet - from £50
Hand washed with Autosmart wax shampoo for glossy finish
Hand dried
Door shuts cleaned
Wheels and tyres washed and dressed
All litter removed including ashtrays
Vacuumed throughout
Dashboard cleaned and dressed
Fragrance finish applied
Anchor 3
Classic Full Valet - from £75
Hand washed with Autosmart wax shampoo
Hand dried
Tar removal treatment
Hand polished with Autosmart Mirror Image
Door shuts cleaned
Wheels and tyres washed and dressed
All litter removed including ashtrays
Interior deep cleaned - dashboard, seats, carpets, mats, boot, windows.
Fragrance finish applied
We can tailor this services to your specific needs!
Premium Full Valet - from £100
- Classic Full Valet +
Full upholstery shampoo / Leather clean and care products applied
We can tailor this services to your specific needs!
Machine polish - from £150
Anchor 4
Headlight Restoration - £10 each
Children Car Seat - £9
Sticker decals removal - from £8
Tar spots removal - from £10
Engine bay enhancement - please ask for a price
Upholstery Cleaning and Stains treatment - please ask for a price. - You can purchase this service on its own or as part of any valet.
We offer also caravans, motorhomes, and commercial vehicles cleaning.
Caravans and Motorhomes Exterior Cleaning from £40
For commercial vehicle please call us for a free quote - we can adjust our prices depending on vehicle condition and your budget.
Anchor 5
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